Hello, Thomas!
First, thank you for your e-mail, IFs.
Yet, please concern more about missing pictures of two delegations,
and we highly recommend you to send us them before this May ends!!
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Hello, Thomas!
First, thank you for your e-mail, IFs.
Yet, please concern more about missing pictures of two delegations,
and we highly recommend you to send us them before this May ends!!
Scan copied pics are acceptable =)
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Why Gender Stereotypes should be dispelled
What was her name? Who was the female character who was sexy, kind, and dedicated to her loved one? Or who was not represented as thin, hyper-sexualized, emotional, submissive, or obedient to men? It is hard think of any female characters who were not portrayed as inferior to male characters. The conventional gender roles still widely prevail in movies, but this limited perception needs to be changed. The gender stereotypes should be dispelled because it limits potential has negative impact on children, can make a profit.
First, the gender stereotypes should be dispelled because it inhibits movies. The character plays a huge role to a considerable extent in movies. However, according to New York Film Academy (NYFA), average ratio of male actors to female actors is 2.25:1 and 30.8 percent of speaking characters are women. It might sound obvious, but gender-specific views are inevitably confined and weaken the movie messages. On the other hand, female character development can result in the novelty that is distinguished from traditional movies. For example, George Miller, Director of <Mad Max: Fury Road>, strengthened female subjectivity to innovate existing action movie plots. To sum up, female characters make movies interesting.
Another reason why the old custom should be broken is that it has bad influence on children. Most of female characters are incompetent and dependent on men. So are about half of violent characters. Gilpatric reported that over 58 percent of violent female characters were portrayed in a submissive role to the male hero in the film, and 42 percent were romantically involved with him. In addition, female characters sexualization happens a lot. Especially, Parents Television Council found that underage female characters are shown participating in a higher percentage of sexual depictions compared to adults (47 percent and 29 percent respectively). APA Task Force reported that body dissatisfaction, eating disorders, low self-esteem, depressive affect, and even physical health problems in high-school-aged girls. Also, girls and boys may internalize wrong gender stereotypes. In short, stereotypes can contribute to children health problems and bias.
Finally, overcoming conventional gender roles will make a profit. Reese Witherspoon, one of the most influential actresses, started her own production company after seeing six of her favorite actresses "fighting over a really crappy role in a movie." It will lead to female audience being far more immersed in movies than now, which would definitely results in improving profitability. According to NYFA, women purchase half of the movie tickets sold in the U.S. Also, CGV Research Center found that women purchase 55 percent of the movie tickets sold in Korea. Filmmakers should notice that and recognize the benefit they will get when they satisfy female audiences' desire. Thus, if gender stereotypes is dispelled, profits will not fall.
In conclusion, female characters have to be developed for several reasons. Basically, movies can be exciting with female characters. In addition, stereotypes can contribute to children health problems and bias. Also, female characters will not cause profit decline. We must recognize the inequality and keep in mind that nothing changes if we stay quiet.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender is no longer an unfamiliar issue for the public. Compared to the persecuted image of the past, people have begun to display a more accepting attitude towards LGBT. The publics' open perspective is caused by exposure to the public, the careful concern for all people's rights, and the diverse people with different features.
To start with, the exposure by the media allows LGBT to be a familiar topic to the public. The more public confronts with celebrities openly coming out and being active in their field, the more empathy and understanding for LGBT will grow in them. There are in fact a lot of celebrities who have come out. Such people as Suk Cheon Hong, Mika, and even James A. Bell the CEO of apple have helped to be familiarize with LGBT and have changed the publics' perspectives toward them. Mass Media are the powerful tool and it is effective in terms of changing people's attitudes.
Additionally, neglecting LGBT people became an outdated idea. Currently, as human rights are stressed throughout the society, the minorities of the human society are gaining more respect than ever before. In addition, criticizing LGBT and impeding them from getting involved in the society can be viewed inhumane as it is deemed as disregarding human rights. Thus, instead of depreciating and discriminating them for their sexual preference as the past, the public is struggling to provide LGBT people an opportunity to claiming their rights and expressing their will. Thus, due to the rights emphasizing atmosphere, the LGBT people are able to regain their rights without obstacles.
Lastly, as globalization prevails in the current society, people have raised concerns on the issue of respecting other culture or individuality of others thus helping public to be more open. Throughout the world, it is an inevitable phenomenon for respective country to possess distinct features. As the borders of the countries become obscure, the citizens gain access to both direct and indirect crossing of borders, such as the internet. Hence, they are enabled to encounter the indigenous characteristic and respect them. In this retrospect, the unique tendency of having different sexuality is also regarded as merely one's character.
To sum up, after a long struggle to mingle with the public, LGBT has at last gained acceptance and respect of many people. However, as there are still a lot of people who remain hostile to them, the effort is not yet over. In order to maintain an environment where all people feel hospitable regardless of who they are, more attention and acceptance is inevitable.
Every year in the United States of America, as many as 1.2 million high school students drop out of their school. The reason for students to leave school varies but the most significant factor in surging dropout rates is the misconception that what they have learned in school is not relevant to their lives. However, their regrettable decision to withdraw from school turned out to be devastating. The students who quitted school are now confronted with various negative outcomes that set back their standing in society and our nation is also struggling with a dropout crisis that undermines its economic growth. Therefore, the government should adopt a mandatory education policy that requires high school students to earn their diploma because dropout makes it difficult for them to land good-paying jobs, imposes a costly burden to society, and increases the chances of extramarital births.
First of all, high school students should not drop out of school for their own sake because it is hard for students who quitted school to find a profitable job in the future. As the importance of job specifications such as work experience or academic achievement is growing rapidly among young applicants, students without a high school diploma cannot help but lag far behind high school graduates in landing well-paying jobs. According to U.S Census Bureau, average wages of the dropouts are less than two-thirds of the income earned by their peers who completed high school education (qtd in. Breslow). This statistic also implies that the majority of dropouts are more susceptible to experiencing unemployment and exploitation of labor-oriented underpaid jobs that they reluctantly chose to make both ends meet. Thus, to help students avoid job loss or underemployment after dropping out, the school should make sure that they devote themselves to their studies and receive enough education to carve out a good career in the future.
Another reason why high school dropout needs to be discouraged is that it forces too many taxpayers and the government to pay an excessive amount of money for the welfare of dropped out students. The ramifications of dropping out of high school are not only costly to individuals but also to a society that has the responsibility to make dropouts get back on their feet. First, there is a high chance that the dropouts are involved in welfare or legal systems owing to their poor living and working conditions. Belfield and Levin claimed that this increased social dependence of the dropouts brings rising public cost to our nation that compels taxpayers to bear a gut-wrenching amount of expenses (qtd in. Rumberger). In addition, as shown by the fact that over 66 percent of all incarcerated populations in the U.S are high school dropouts (Bloom & Haskins 4), they are also vulnerable to engaging in a variety of criminal and delinquent activities that will eventually result in their imprisonment and impose a huge burden on the state budget. In short, subsidizations needed to help them make a living and taxes for maintenance of the prison facilities all cost members of society a substantial amount of money.
Finally, high school dropout should be completely banned because it potentially increases the risk of births outside of marriage which intensifies the dropout crisis. A report by North Eastern University found that the dropouts estranged from restrictions of their parents or teachers have a tendency to take part in risky actions such as alcohol, violence and drug abuse. Among those improper behaviors, the most serious is early pregnancy which has a high probability to entail out-of-wedlock births. This problematic issue makes children born to students without marital status be abandoned as they do not have enough capabilities to support their children. Furthermore, Rector stated that it is five times more likely for children born from extramarital relation to live in an unstable environment with welfare than those from married couples. The majority of children born outside marriage, therefore, have no choice but to experience same poverty and academic failure that their parents suffered from before and this thus, causes a vicious cycle of school dropout that continues throughout the generations.
To wrap up, since high school dropout blocks individual's way to success and hinders our nation's economic development, inhibiting it is not only a breakthrough for prospective students to face a bright future but also a first national priority that has to be immediately done by the government. Students who dropped out of school are stuck in the hole as they have no steady jobs to live on and this has forced our country's economy to slide deeper into the depression. Moreover, a socially unacceptable problem such as births out-of-wedlock is deteriorating living standard of the students and worsening the chain reaction of high school dropout that does not seem to end. Therefore, it is a necessity for all of us to dedicate ourselves in decreasing overall dropout rates and helping students who failed to receive their high school diploma get back on its track.
Gender Quota System, A Double-edged Sword
Can gender quota system be a actual solution for women employment-population rate? Nowadays, lots of countries are enforcing gender quota system. Some countries like Sweden and Norway had successful effect by gender quota system, but some countries didn't. A representative example of this is U.S. It's still causing controversy. People who are opposed to gender quota system are saying it is a double-edged sword. Why? It seems like gender quota system can raise women employment population rate, but if we search in detail there are negative effects about it.
First, there are doubts about gender quota system's effectiveness. Gender quota system has improved women employment rate. But how about promotion rate? What was the eventual goal of gender quota system? It was for more women leaders, improve the entry of women in public affairs. Gender quota system executed now seems to be a symbolic system. For example, Germany's companies are divided into supervisory board and executive board. Executive board has the actual power. In 2014, 22% were women in supervisory board but only 12% in executive board. Gender quota system should bring us a actual effects like improved right of women in companies and society.
Next, gender quota system is a reverse discrimination. Gender quota system might be a compensation mentality. It means repeating the same mistakes. Of course discriminations of women in past was unfair and should be fixed. But gender quota system is not the right answer. If companies are required to raise the rate of women employment, men who have better ability can be rejected. Therefore, gender quota system makes another discrimination which is unfair.
Finally, gender quota system doesn't fit with liberal democracy and capitalism. Liberal democracy and capitalism is based on compensation. But, if gender quota system is executed, companies have to fill women who have no enough ability just because of the rate. This leads to unfair competition or doesn't even give a chance to compete. Companies want and should employ people who have enough ability. It is 2016. We need a system that fits with time.
In conclusion, gender quota system can't be a appropriate system for women. It might raise the employment rate temporarily, but that's all. Side effects like doubts about effectiveness, reverse discrimination and not fitting with liberal democracy and capitalism seems to stand out more. Angela Merkel, prime minister of Germany said about gender quota system. "Bring me a actual solution." Yes, gender quota system is not a actual solution.
Snow White, Cinderella, Belle, Ariel. At least once, people must have seen one of the movies of Disney princesses. Disney's first animation film was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs which was released in 1937, and since the success of that film, princesses have been Disney's main storyline to the large audience's pleasure. And most of these stories end with the princess happily ever after smiling with their princes. And it is very sensitive point at these days as Women's right is becoming important. Therefore, Disney should create their princesses' characteristics independent and autonomous way than the past, to stop forming inappropriate personality, to meet society's expectations, to make adults mind also open to women's right.
First, every child especially girls are fond of watching Disney Princess movies. As kids are affected by the materials they watch, they are more likely to behave like the princess in the movies. Langham reported that Cinderella's rescue by Prince Charming can significantly influence a female's psyche, including her ability to make wise relationship decisions as an adult. It shows that children are really being influenced by the programs they encounter. If it is one of the dependent and fragile princess movie, they might want to become the princess themselves and will create their characteristics like princess. They might be dreaming for their own prince charming. It could lead to forming wrong self-esteem.
Another reason is that as society has been changing to respecting women, from seeing women as men's possessions to treating them same as the men which is originally right. Therefore, media started to produce more self-reliant women characters. Moreau said that Although for some people cinema means something superficial and glamorous, it is something else. I think it is the mirror of the world. (qtd. in Bartyzel) Disney also is following the trend and they started to make princesses without princes. Princess Merida is the best example which shows that. Sofia and Botkin said that Merida may not have been a particularly brave new kind of princess, but we believe that "Brave" presented the newest and bravest fairytale world in Disney princess history.
Finally, many adults also like to watch Disney princess movies. So by making strong and appealing princess characters, Disney should work harder to make princesses like Elsa. Mize states that Frozen is one of the few Disney Princess movies in which none of the key plots points revolve around the protagonist getting wifed up. It means that Frozen is very novel. According to the terms it was showing amid enormous popular acclaim. And it also shows that people are fond of watching those kind of movies.
In conclusion, Disney should produce separate and sovereign princess movies than the past. Disney has been aroused children to have roman of prince charming and this has to be changed to let children live their own lives. Also, as time goes by, the perception of women's role has also changed therefore, they should follow the current society. Finally, Disney movies with strong famine characters are very popular to adults. So Disney should make films, Princesses without princes.
These days, unemployment rate among youths in Korea is getting higher. According to The National Statistical Office, there are 560,000 unemployed youths aged 15 to 29 in February 2016. This rate has hit the highest record. Like this shows, unemployment is a severe problem for youth in Korea, and the causes lie in structural problems, rather than individuals themselves: rapid development of technology, companies hiring high percentage of non-regular employees, and long-term economic recession.
First, rapid development of technology causes unemployment rate among youths higher. The biggest advantage that youths have is their physical power. In the past, there were a lot of young workers in the workplace that requires strong power. But today, technology that has been developing very fast replaces labor force. Therefore, demand for youth decreases because there is no need to use manpower to work.
Another reason why youth unemployment problem is getting much more serious is that companies hire high percentage of non-regular employees. Temporary positions do not guarantee job security. Also, for non-regular employees themselves to keep their jobs, they focus on immediate achievements. Thus, it leads to economic inefficiency and it is hard for them to develop professionalism.
Finally, the rate of unemployment among youths is increasing due to long-term economic recession. When economic recession continues, companies become hesitant to make an investment in new businesses since they are afraid of losing their money during economic depression. If companies do not make an investment, no jobs are made, and employment cannot be created. Plus, original workers mind retiring because of economic slowdown, so companies rarely try to hire new employees.
To wrap up, there are three reasons at a structural level why unemployment among youths in Korea is getting much more severe. Technology is developing fast and it replaces labor force. Also, there is a high percentage of temporary positions in most companies. Finally, long-term economic recession interrupts new recruits. As unemployment problem among youths continues to be serious for few years, institutional and conscious solutions should be set up definitely.
Sorry I changed my topic for the research paper. As you suggested I tried to make my topic (The government should provide welfare to poor people) more arguable, but It then became too hard to find articles written in english. I chose the topic which is more arguable and specific.
As the problem of starvation around the world becomes a serious global issue, lots of people including prominent scientists started to claim the benefits of GMOs. However, those who insist the safety of GMOs are missing the important points. They are considering only their short term benefits. GMOs have potential danger and no one knows whether they will cause serious problems several years later. Therefore, GMOs should be banned because they have potential danger, can damage the environment, and can afflict the agriculturists.
First, GMOs should be banned because no one knows how they will affect in the future, which means they have potential danger. That GMOs can solve food shortage and thus save people is true only in the short term. GMOs have potential dangers, since they are, literally, genetically modified. That is, during the process of making GMOs, the only required gene has to be added or removed. But It is never easy. If a very small part of the process goes wrong, a totally new substance can be made. If the new substance affects us as toxins, It can lead us to a really serious disease. Furthermore, no one knows how they will affect, in the long term. For example, DDT was proved to be the most effective pesticide in the past. However, It became prohibited after Its danger is exposed to the world. Also, the Doctor of Natural Health Center, Joseph Mercola, said the genetically modified soy has 10 adverse effects on human body - it interferes with protein digestion and cause pancreatic disorders and so on. Like this, no one knows the potential danger of GMOs, thus they should not be provided to ordinary people.
Another reason why the production of GMOs needs to be cease is that It can damage the environments, in the long term. In the future, GMO foods will break the food chain. It is because GMOs make the number of the products tremendously increase. If the products increase, the balance of the food chain will be destroyed. As a result, It will completely damage the entire environments and also human as well. In short, GMOs will disrupt the balance of nature, thus eventually destroy the whole environment.
Finally, GMOs should not be made not only because they damage the ecosystem, but can also afflict the agriculturists. They seriously attacks agriculturists, since GMOs are produced largely, and distributed at low prices. Consumers who buy the normal crops have to pay a lot, compared to the GM crops. Consequently, consumers will prefer to buy the GM crops rather than normal crops, and the agriculturists won't be able to sell much of their crops. In short, It will be hard for the agriculturists to make a profit, thus they will eventually destroy.
In conclusion, GMOs are just the same as toxin even though people cannot know at least for now, but they have potential danger. Furthermore, They can destroy the ecosystem, and eventually the whole nature. Finally, GMOs will make all the agriculturists lose their jobs. The benefits of GMOs sound compelling. They can be a solution to food shortage and save a lot of people. But after 50 years, no one can assure that they still can be the solution. Humans are not a science experiment, and GMOs should be banned right away.
When we get tired, or when we just want something to drink, the word "coffee" pops up in our mind, and this kind of phenomenon is occurring all around the world, to all of today's people. But this matter of course can lead us into excessive intake of caffeine, or even unconscious addiction. So, through legal regulations like the food control system, modern people's excessive caffeine intake should be reduced right away, because it causes both mental, physical problems and can lead to undetectable addiction.
First, a caffeine can damage our mental, especially the central nervous system. Such as anxiety, sharpness, irritation, nervousness, various kinds of unstable mental states can be formed because caffeine serves as a stimulant, and furthermore if it gets worse, people would suffer from insomnia. But here's a pernicious problem. In this modern society, patients of diverse mental troubles are growing in number, and even normal people are meeting with those symptoms. From this point, we can recognize how difficult it is to notice that caffeine is the factor of psychological illnesses.
Another problem of excessive caffeine intake is physical troubles. Absorbed caffeine increases human's heartbeat and the BMR, so people could be suffered from pounding heart and blood vessel related diseases. Also, caffeine palpates gastric acid secretion and causes gastrointestinal troubles like maldigestion. If this kind of physical symptoms are detected, it means that it's a real time to be seriously alert about excessive caffeine intake.
Those mental and physical problems can bring this matter to the final point, caffeine addiction. If it grows into addiction, numerous and detrimental illnesses like muscle convulsions, emesis, arrhythmia, osteoporosis, cystitis, esophageal damage would be emerged in human body. This is undeniably fatal condition, but it's a critical problem that we cannot notice the seriousness of excessive caffeine intake, before this detectable addicted stage.
Recommended allowance level of one-day caffeine intake is 400mg, per each adult, and 125mg for teenagers. But only a cup of americano has minimum 160mg, maximum 300mg of caffeine. This is a shocking figures, but we should know that not only a coffee, but also chocolate, tea, energy drink, and so much foods and drinks are containing caffeine. By regulating legally, and by specific policy control, we should make a limitation of caffeine intake to prevent caffeine addiction being a extensive social problem in advance.
These days, watching a movie is a part of the cultural life of people. People usually watch a movie against the past. As the movie is popular, movie market is growing too. But of course not all the movie goes a commercial success. While some movies are a box-office hit, other movies fail to become well known. I think there are various conditions that film makers should consider if they want to make their movie success : importance of topic, marketing and timing.
First, the importance of movie's topic is main factor in success. Box-office movie's topics are classified into two part : popular and creative. Popular topic like family and love story might be great because people feel familiar with common life story topics. On the other hand, creative topic can useful to call to attention and curiosity. Also, such as 'Harry Potter series' and 'Pirates Of The Caribbean series', original topic can impress to people intensely.
Another condition of box-office hit movies is marketing. Of course movie itself's quality is primary factor, but now a days marketing is as important as content. Not to mention how to make trailer, where to advertise and when to, Internet marketing is the most significant point in modern society. Because almost the young people use smartphone and they usually access the advertisement through SNS and online marketing needs relatively less money then TV marketing, flim makers should use social media.
Lastly, the timing is also important to be the box-office hit. In Korea, New-Year's or the Chuseok holidays and christmas day are typical examples. Almost movies that open that times are a box-office hit such as 'Miracle in Cell No.7 (2012)' and 'A Violent Prosecutor, 2015)'. In addition, the well match between timing and topic of movie might be the chance for film makers. For example, 'ROARING CURRENTS, (2014)' has the title that the greatest number of attendances movie in korea. There are many success point of this movie, but that movie's release date was the around time of National Liberation Day. That was film maker's great choice and strategy.
To sum up, there are three things that flim makers should consider when they plan and open their movie. The primary factor of success is importance of topic. The types of topic are popular or creative. Also marketing is important to be box-office movie. These days, flim makers should use online marketing if they want strong impact of advertisement. the last condition is timing. Release timing is as important as content.
1. River argued, "Garbage left behind around Mount Everest by past climbers now poses a serious threat to the environment and a hazard to other clombers." (4)
2. Accorfing to United Nations Environment Programme, major environmental problems caused by rourism include the depletion of natural resources, pollution, and various physical damages caused by construction and tourist acrivities. (5-6)
3. Farber stated, "It is a Failure of imagination that we fumans cannot see value in animals beyond their use to us as food or entertainment." (qtd. in convertino 27)
4. Every year, an estimated 25 million vertebrate animals are used for the purpose of research, experiment and education is the U.S. ("Frequently Asked Questions about Animals in Research")
5. A United Nations report stated that approximately 25% of the mammals and 12% of the virds in the world might become extinct during the next few decades due to global warming. (qtd. in Schultz)
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1. Jeremy Rivers said that garbage left behind around Mt. Everest by past climbers now poses a serious threat to the environment and a hazrd to other climbers. ("A Mount Everest Makeover",p.4 )
2.Major environmental problems caused by tourism include the depletion of natural resources, pollution, and various physical damages caused by construction and tourist activities. ("Environmental Impacts of Tourism", p. 5-6)
3.John Convertino's 'How We See Animals, How We See Ourselves' quotes UCLA biologist Pat Farber's saying, "It is a failure of imagination that we humans cannot see value in animals beyond their use to us as food or entertainment."(p.27)
4.Every year, an estimated 25 million vertebrate animals are used for the purpose of research, experiment and education in the U.S. ("Frequently Asked Questions about Animals in Research". Dec 8, 2006)
5.Roberta Schultz reports in his 'An Endangerd Planet' that, "According to a United Nations report, approximately 25% of the mammals and 12% of the birds in the world might become extinct during the next few decades due to global warming."
Eating disorders occur most often in industrialized cultures where there is an emphasis on thinness, especially if thinness is linked to success. Magazines, television, and other media have created an unrealistic image of the perfect, successful person. The pressure to be thin can lead to intense dieting, even in very young children, which can turn into an eating disorder in people who are more likely to get the disorders. Therefore, eating disorders can be thought of as a social problem.
First, professions and sports that require a certain body type may indirectly encourage eating disorders. Ballet, gymnastics, modeling, acting, running, figure skating, swimming, and wrestling often emphasize or even require a thin, lean body.
Another reason eating disorders are a social problem is that certain family attitudes or dynamics may contribute to the risk of a child or teen developing an eating disorder. The risk for eating disorders may be higher in families that focus on high achievement, emphasize being perfect, are concerned about appearance, and worry about being socially accepted.
Lastly, young people who develop eating disorders often have a close but troubled relationship with their parents. Although this is common in the teen years, a person who is at high risk for developing an eating disorder will take concerns over parental relationship problems to an extreme. The child may be afraid of disappointing his or her parents or may be trying to control an unspoken conflict or lack of harmony within the family.
To wrap up, eating disorders include a range of conditions that involve an obsession with food, weight and appearance. The obsession is often so strong that it disrupts an individual's health, social and familial relationships, occupations and daily activities. Although the answers remain multi-factorial, research on how eating disorders are a social problem is constantly evolving.
1. Rivers reports that garbage left behind around Mount Everest by past climbers now poses a serious threat to the environment and a hazard to other climbers (4).
2. Major environmental problems caused by tourism include the depletion of natural resources, pollution, and various physical damages caused by construction and tourist activities (Environmental Impacts of Tourism 5-6).
3. UCLA biologist Pat Farber said, "It is a failure of imagination that we humans cannot see value in animals beyond their use to us as food or entertainment" (Convertino 27).
4. Every year, an estimated 25 million vertebrate animals are used for the purpose of research, experiment and education in the U.S. ("Frequently Asked Questions about Animals in Research").
5. According to a United Nations report, approximately 25% of the mammals and 12% of the birds in the world might become extinct during the next few decades due to global warming (qtd. In Schultz).
1. Rivers reports that garbage left behind around Mount Everest by past climbers now poses a serious threat to the environment and a hazard to other climbers (4).
2. According to United Nations Environment Programme, major environmental problems caused by tourism include the depletion of natural resources, pollution, and various physical damages caused by construction and tourist activities ("Environmental Impacts of Tourism" 5-6)
3. UCLA biologist Pat Farber said, "It is a failure of imagination that we humans cannot see value in animals beyond their use to us as food or entertainment." (qtd. in Conversation 27)
4. Every year, an estimated 25 million vertebrate animals are used for the purpose of research, experiment and education in the U.S. ("Frequently Asked Questions about Animals in Research")
5. According to a United Nations report, approximately 25% of the mammals and 12% of the birds in the world might become extinct during the next few decades due to global warming. (qtd. in Schultz)
Scientists try to cure aging. Recently scientists have found cause of aging homeostatic capacity. Homeostatic capacity refers to capability of body system to stabilize itself in response to external forces. If scientists figure out the secret of homeostatic capacity, they believe they can cure aging. Considering extended life enable people to live with loves ones longer, this news sounds amazing. But aging is not only affect personal life but also society in general. Premature pursuit for extending life should be avoided.
First, society cannot afford the number of older people increasing. As the rate of older people increase, social infrastructure to protect older people should be bigger. The burden goes to the rest of members of society. An article says the Congressional Budget Office has anticipated Medicare expenditures in America will be rise up to 5.8 percent of gross domestic product in 2038 from 3.5 percent today. The burden comes from aged society makes society impossible to function and survive.
Next, economic mobility can be damaged. Nowadays the old retire and the young take place of them. This is a normal. But in a society where the old are healthy enough to work even longer, the young are hard to find a job which would generate chaos. US Commerce Department announced overall US unemployment is 5.5%. Yet the youth unemployment rate in America rose to double digits. Unemployment rate for those aged 20-24 years old was 10%
Last, prolonged life expectancy would bring hazard in concept of family. Modern concept of family is formed in the boundary of usual life expectancy which is 79 in 2016, America. However If human can radically age slower, men is likely to see being married to one person only require too much of commitment. If this notion is prevalent, multiple marriages can become norm. Considering each marriage produces children, and then half – sibling will be common either. Given such large differences, modern concept of marriage will face major changes.
Though living longer has been human's old aged dream, aging is a social issue with consequences. Extended life span could bring hazard because of three reasons; costs out of hand fortune, causes trouble in workforce, shift notion of marriage. Science development without parallel advancement in society could bring irreversible tragic. Especially if the field of science is directly related with human like biotechnology, people should measure the consequences closely.
1. Jeremy Rivers said, garbage left behind around Mount Everest by past climbers now poses a serious threat to the environment and a hazard to other climbers. ("A Mount Everst Makeover" 4)
2. Major environmental problems caused by tourism include the depletion of natural resources, pollution, and various physical damages caused by construction and tourist activities. (UNEP 5-6)
3. UCLA biologist Pat Farber said, "It is a failure of imagination that we humans cannot see value in animals beyond their use to us as food or entertainment." (John Convertino "How We See Animals, How We See Ourselves" 27)
4. According to "Frequently Asked Questions about Animals in Research", every year, an estimated 25 million vertebrate animals are used for the purpose of research, experiment and education in the U.S.
5. According to a United Nations report, approximately 25% of the mammals and 12% of the birds in the world might become extinct during the next few decades due to global warming. (Roberta Schultz "An Endangered Planet")
Rivers said that garbage left behind around Mount Everest by past climbers now poses a serious threat to the environment and a hazard to other climbers. ("A Mount Everest Makeover", 4)
According to the United Nations Environment Programme, major environmental problems caused by tourism include the depletion of natural resources, pollution, and various physical damages caused by construction and tourist activities. (5-6)
ULCA biologist Pat Farber said, "It is a failure of imagination that we humans cannot see value in animals beyond their use to us as food or entertainment." (John Convertino, 27)
Every year, an estimated 25 million vertebrate animals are used for the purpose of research, experiment and education in the U.S. ("Frequently Asked Questions about Animals in Research")
According to a United Nations report, approximately 25% of the mammals and 12% of the birds in the world might become extict during the next few decades due global warming. (qtd. in Shultz)
1. Jeremy Fivers said in "A Mount Everest Makeover" that garbage left behind around Mount Everest by past climbers now poses a serious threat to the environment and a hazard to other climbers.(page. 4)
2. United Nations Environment Programme said at Environmental Impacts of Tourism that major environmental problems of tourism include the depletion of natural resources, pollution, and various physical damages caused by construction and tourist activities. (page. 5-6)
3. John Covertino said that UCLA biologist Pat Farber said that it is a failure of imagination that we humans cannot see value in animals beyond their use to us as food or entertainment ("How We See Animals, How We See Ourselves", page. 27)
4. "Frequently Asked Questions about Animals in Research" of Animals in Research said that Every year, an estimated 25 million vertebrate animals are used for the purpose of research, experiment and education in the U.S.
5. Roberta Schultz said in "An Endangered Planet" that .According to a United Nations report, approximately 25% of the mamamls and 12% of the birds in the world might become extinct during the next few decades due to global warming. (qtd. in Schultz)
1. Rivers reports that garbage left behind around Mount Everest by past climbers now poses a serious threat to the environment and a hazard to other climbers ("A Mount Everest Makeover" 4).
2. According to United Nations Environment Programme, major environmental problems of tourism include the depletion of natural resources, pollution, and various physical damages caused by construction and tourist activities (Environmental Impacts Of Tourism 5-6)
3. UCLA biologist Pat Farber said that it is a failure of imagination that we humans cannot see value in animals beyond their use to us as food or entertainment (qtd. in Convertino 27).
4. Every year, an estimated 25 million vertebrate animals are used for the purpose of research, experiment and education in the U.S. ("Frequently Asked Questions about Animals in Research")
5. According to United Nations report, approximately 25% of the mammals and 12% of the birds in the world might become extinct during the next few decades due to global warming (qtd. in Schultz)
1. River argued, "Garbage left behind around Mount Everest by past climbers now poses a serious threat to the environment and a hazard to other clombers." (4)
2. Accorfing to United Nations Environment Programme, major environmental problems caused by rourism include the depletion of natural resources, pollution, and various physical damages caused by construction and tourist acrivities. (5-6)
3. Farber stated, "It is a Failure of imagination that we fumans cannot see value in animals beyond their use to us as food or entertainment." (qtd. in convertino 27)
4. Every year, an estimated 25 million vertebrate animals are used for the purpose of research, experiment and education is the U.S. ("Frequently Asked Questions about Animals in Research")
5. A United Nations report stated that approximately 25% of the mammals and 12% of the virds in the world might become extinct during the next few decades due to global warming. (qtd. in Schultz)
1. Rivers reported that garbage left behind around Mount Everest by past climbers now poses a serious threat to the environment and a hazard to other climbers (4)
2. According to the United Nations Environment Progamme, major environmental problems caused by tourism include the depletion of natural resources, pollution, and various physical damages caused by construction and tourist activities. (5~6)
3. UCLA biologist Pat Farber said that It is a failure of imagination that humans cannot see value in animals beyond their use to us as food or entertainment. (qtd. in Convertino 27)
4. Every year, an estimated 25 milion vertebrate animals are used for purpose of research, experiment and education in the U.S. ("Frequently Asked Questions about Animals in Research")
5.According to a United Nations report, approximately 25% of the mamamls and 12% of the birds in the world might become extinct during the next few decades due to global warming. (qtd. in Schultz)
Reently, new coinage, "spine breaker" has been really popular among internet users. it calls the teenagers who break parents spines because of their excessive consuming. Though it was just one of the neologism. Difer from other nologisms, it is used in all age groups and popular than any other phrases. Why do tenagers easily buy too much? First, teenagers easily overconsume than they could afford because they want tobe like others. First, teenagers follow heir role models. Also, teenagers tend to be like their friends because they think it is the way to concludd in that group. So twin-look or similar look is especially popular among teenagers.Because they feel a sense of belonging by their appearances. Also, minors easiy overspend tolook richer and better than others. Most of teenagers wear school uniform and one of their methods to show their wealth and individuality is by shoing their overcoat or shoes and because of snop effect, they ar obssessed with the items and luxuries to show themselves. Also, they think their outlooks value themselves and it's another reason of their excessive consuming. Lastly, teenagers buy too much because they are fashionconscious.Because they are easily exposed to mass media and they are interested in entertainers and artists, tey ae really conscious in fashion and vogue. Sim they seemsto follow what movie stars and famous singers wear and feel like they are just be same with them or even better than those entertainers by expending luxuries. In conclustion, teenagers use too much money to follow their reference groups, to show their richness and because hey are too sensitive to fashion. |
1. River argued, "Garbage left behind around Mount Everest by past climbers now poses a serious threat to the environment and a hazard to other clombers." (4)
2. Accorfing to United Nations Environment Programme, major environmental problems caused by rourism include the depletion of natural resources, pollution, and various physical damages caused by construction and tourist acrivities. (5-6)
3. Farber stated, "It is a Failure of imagination that we fumans cannot see value in animals beyond their use to us as food or entertainment." (qtd. in convertino 27)
4. Every year, an estimated 25 million vertebrate animals are used for the purpose of research, experiment and education is the U.S. ("Frequently Asked Questions about Animals in Research")
5. A United Nations report stated that approximately 25% of the mammals and 12% of the virds in the world might become extinct during the next few decades due to global warming. (qtd. in Schultz)
1. Rivers said that Garbage left behind around Mount Everest by past climbers now poses a serious threat to the environment and a hazard to other climbers. (4)
2. Major environmental problems caused by tourism include the depletion of natural resources, pollution, and various physical damages caused by construction and tourist activities. ("Environmental Impacts of Tourism" 5-6)
3. UCLA biologist Pat Farber said, "It is a failure of imagination that we humans cannot see value in animals beyond their use to us as food or entertainment." (qtd. in Convertino 27)
4. Every year, an estimated 25 million vertebrate animals are used for the purpose of research, experiment and education in the U.S. ("Frequently Asked Questions about Animals in Research")
5. According to a United Nations report, approximately 25% of the mammals and 12% of the birds in the world might become extinct during the next few decades due to global warming. (qtd. in Schultz)
1. Rivers said that Garbage left behind around Mount Everest by past climbers now poses a serious threat to the environment and a hazard to other climbers. (4)
2. Major environmental problems caused by tourism include the depletion of natural resources, pollution, and various physical damages caused by construction and tourist activities. ("Environmental Impacts of Tourism" 5-6)
3. UCLA biologist Pat Farber said, "It is a failure of imagination that we humans cannot see value in animals beyond their use to us as food or entertainment." (qtd. in Convertino 27)
4. Every year, an estimated 25 million vertebrate animals are used for the purpose of research, experiment and education in the U.S. ("Frequently Asked Questions about Animals in Research")
5. Acording to a United Nations report, approximately 25% of the mammals and 12% of the birds in the world might become extinct during the next few decades due to global warming. (qtd. in Schultz)
1. Garbages left behind around Mt. Everest by past climbers now poses a serious threat environment and a hazard to other clibers(Rivers , 4) 2. United Nations Environent Programme reported that major environmental problems caaused by tourism include the depletion of natural resources, pollution, and various physical damages caused by construction and tourist activities(Environmental Impacts of Tourism, 5-6) 3. According to Pact Farber, UCLA biologist, "It is a failure of imagination that we humans cannot see value in animals beyond their use to us as food or entertainment. ("How We See Animals, How We See Oursolves", 27) 4. Vertebrate animals which are used purpose of research, experiment and educaton in USA are estimated 25 millions ("Frequently Asked Questions about animals in research, December 8, 2006) 5. United Nations reported that approximatelly 25% of the mammals and 12% of birds of the birds in the worldmight become extinct during the next few decades due to global warming. (Schultz, "An Endangered planet", February 15,2004) |
1. Garbage left behind around Mount Everest by past climbers now poses a serious threat to the environment and a hazard to other climbers. (Rivers 4)
2. Major environmental problems caused by tourism include the depletion of natural resources, pollution, and various physical damages caused by construction and tourist activities. ("Environmental Impacts of Tourism" 5-6)
3. UCLA biologist Pat Farber said, "It is a failure of imagination that we humans cannot see value in animals beyond their use to us as food or entertainment." (qtd. in Convertino 27)
4. Every year, an estimated 25 million vertebrate animals are used for the purpose of research, experiment and education in the U.S. ("Frequently Asked Questions about Animals in Research")
5. Acording to a United Nations report, approximately 25% of the mammals and 12% of the birds in the world might become extinct during the next few decades due to global warming. (qtd. in Schultz)
1 Rivers reported that garbage left behind around Mount Everest by past climbers now poses a serious threat to the environment and a hazard to other climbers (3).
2 United Nations Environment Programme stated that major problems caused by tourism include the depletion of natural resources, pollution, and various physical damages caused by construction and tourist activities (5-6).
3 UCLA biologist Pat Farber said that it is a failure of imagination that we humans cannot see value in animals beyond their use to us as food or entertainment (qtd. in Covertino 27)
4 Every year, an estimated 25 million vertebrate animals are used for the purpose of research, experiment and education in the U.S. ("Frequently Asked Questions about Animals in Research").
5 According to United Nations report, approximately 25% of the mammals and 12% of the birds in the world might become extinct during the next few decades due to global warming (qtd. in Roberta Schultz).