
Jiwon Jung/First draft/Wed34

Gender Quota System, A Double-edged Sword

  Can gender quota system be a actual solution for women employment-population rate? Nowadays, lots of countries are enforcing gender quota system. Some countries like Sweden and Norway had successful effect by gender quota system, but some countries didn't. A representative example of this is U.S. It's still causing controversy. People who are opposed to gender quota system are saying it is a double-edged sword. Why? It seems like gender quota system can raise women employment population rate, but if we search in detail there are negative effects about it.


 First, there are doubts about gender quota system's effectiveness. Gender quota system has improved women employment rate. But how about promotion rate? What was the eventual goal of gender quota system? It was for more women leaders, improve the entry of women in public affairs. Gender quota system executed now seems to be a symbolic system. For example, Germany's companies are divided into supervisory board and executive board. Executive board has the actual power. In 2014, 22% were women in supervisory board but only 12% in executive board. Gender quota system should bring us a actual effects like improved right of women in companies and society.

 Next, gender quota system is a reverse discrimination. Gender quota system might be a compensation mentality. It means repeating the same mistakes. Of course discriminations of women in past was unfair and should be fixed. But gender quota system is not the right answer. If companies are required to raise the rate of women employment, men who have better ability can be rejected. Therefore, gender quota system makes another discrimination which is unfair.

 Finally, gender quota system doesn't fit with liberal democracy and capitalism. Liberal democracy and capitalism is based on compensation. But, if gender quota system is executed, companies have to fill women who have no enough ability just because of the rate. This leads to unfair competition or doesn't even give a chance to compete. Companies want and should employ people who have enough ability. It is 2016. We need a system that fits with time.

 In conclusion, gender quota system can't be a appropriate system for women. It might raise the employment rate temporarily, but that's all. Side effects like doubts about effectiveness, reverse discrimination and not fitting with liberal democracy and capitalism seems to stand out more. Angela Merkel, prime minister of Germany said about gender quota system. "Bring me a actual solution." Yes, gender quota system is not a actual solution.

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