
Chae Won Kim / first draft / Wed 34

Suffrage is a political right for everybody in democratic nations, but turnout of young adults shows always almost the lowest in Korea. Political indifference is a warning sign in social. University students have to cast a vote to improve their political opinions, to spread political interest in their ages, and to express their hardships to politicians.

First, experiences of casting a vote would help university students set up their own standards in political issues. Casting a vote is not just an act of stamping on the paper. It includes deliberation of pledges and candidates before the casting, watching the results, and analysis of the effects of that choice. Those would be building blocks of young adults who have to make their own political decisions in future lives.

Another reason why university students have to vote is that they can arouse political interests in their ages more easily. University students gathers regularly and discuss social problems often in their campus. Those can be chances to open an agora for political debates. University students can be leaders who convince other young adults who consider the temporary holidays for elections just for their short vacation.

Finally, casting a vote can change the very political fields to work in different ways. Many of young adults in Korea are not interested in political stuffs. It is because they think that their participations do not have any approach to the politicians. But casting a vote is the expression of a citizen's opinion and it can be a suggestion of active solutions for social problems that young generations are facing.

In conclusion, university students have to participate in elections as voters for their individual development, social ethics, and solutions of their real problems. Surely, someone would not be able to get the polling space because they have to be at their field even that day for their earning. However, it is not a pressure to give up a livelihood, but an offer to get a right of young generation. Because, there is nothing to get without an effort.



  1. chae won kim
    my title is
    Vote : Not Just a Right, But a Duty

  2. I think your conclusion paraphrased well. And also nice titl! very interesting.

  3. I think your conclusion paraphrased well. And also nice titl! very interesting.

  4. I think that your Concluding part`s word 'social ethics' is alien word
    In your body paragraphs, you did not mention the social ethics

  5. Suffrage is a political right for all the people in democratic nations, but turnout of young adults shows always almost the lowest point in Korea. Political indifference is socially dangerous. University students have to cast a vote to make political values themselves, to arouse political interests in their ages, and to express their hardships to politicians.
    First, experiences of casting a vote would help university students set up their own standards in political issues. Casting a vote is not just an act of stamping on the paper. When people vote, deliberation of pledges and candidates before the casting, watching the results, and analysis of the effects of that choice follow. Those would be building blocks of young adults who have to make their own political decisions in future lives.
    Another reason why university students have to vote is that they can change the political perception of other young adults. University students gathers regularly and discuss social problems often in their campus. That is, they can make chances to open an agora for political debates. University students can be leaders who convince other young adults who may consider the temporary holidays for elections as just their short vacation.
    Finally, casting a vote of university students can induce politicians to work for them. Many of young adults in Korea are not very interested in political stuffs. It is because they think that their participations do not have any approach to the politicians. But casting a vote is the expression of a citizen’s opinion and it can be pressure for making active solutions to fix out social problems that young generations are facing.
    In conclusion, university students have to participate in elections as voters because they can achieve their individual development, have socially invisible powers, and have to solve their real problems. Surely, someone would not be able to get the polling space because they have to be at their field for their earning even that day. However, it is not a pressure to give up a livelihood, but an offer to get a right of young generation. Because, there is nothing to get without an effort.
