
Yong-yoon Cho/First Draft/Wednesday 11:00~12:50


Topic; Reasons for going to university abroad

Topic Sentence:

Many Students go to university, but some of them choose to go abroad for several reasons.

Supporting Points:

1. To expand their horizons

2. To study in better conditions

3. To live on their own.


Many Students go to university, but some of them choose to go abroad for several reasons. First, students leave from their home country to see more of the world. Foreign universities enable students to communicate with foreigners. Interacting with new people who have diverse backgrounds helps students expand their horizons. Second, students go abroad to study in better conditions. Some universities have a strong international reputation. Such universities are likely to have better system and offer more opportunities than other countries. Students choose them expecting excellent faculty and plentiful materials. Third, some students choose to live overseas to live on their own. It helps students grow up more than ever. Depart from their family, students should live alone. Having a hard time, students would learn to be self sufficient. To summarize, students choose to go abroad for various reasons: to widen their horizons, to study in better conditions, or to live on their own. 


  1. MunJinGon
    Main point is reasons for going to university abroad. What I like about this paragraph is each supporting points have specific details. I think if you separate the paragraph, readers can read more comfortably.

  2. Hi Yong-yoon, I liked your paragraph in that it stated the reasons for studying abroad clearly. However I think it might be better to put in one or two examples for the reason(s).
